In line with our tradition of taking our Higher Education Conference across India, we wish to bring the BW Businessworld Education 5th Higher Education Conference in August 2019 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. This conclave is a platform that endeavours to engage Policy makers, Institution heads and Decision Makers, Industry HR officials and Edu-Tech Players in the higher education sector to link our students, faculties and institutions to solutions that are best suited for them.
To develop a shared understanding of the emerging models to prepare the Youth
To develop a mechanism for bridging the skills gap and industry demands
To meet the challenges of the future
To create a comprehensive approach on the various opportunities around Higher education
To seek an understanding of the Industry on the kind of knowledge force that is needed
Number of Delegates
Hyatt Regency
Sept 6
10 AM - 5:00 PM
Priya Saraf
+91 9732247222
Dr Rajeshshree Dutta
+91 8800466890