The 2nd Higher Education Conclave is a day-long event where Government bodies, Chancellors and VC of top national and international universities, directors of Engineering and MBA colleges, HR Professionals of MNCs come together to evaluate and discuss the good work done by Higher Education Institutions. The event will have discussions on what more can be added to the present structure and what changes need to be made in the institutions to up its rank among the best in the world. Experts from various universities in India and abroad would shed light on the changing needs of the Global Education and Placement System.
The performance of Indian universities in international and national ratings has fallen drastically, with only 30 Universities now featuring in the Top 1000. The overall ranking framework, now undertaken by National Institution Ranking Framework, along with QS has defined various framework and rating parameters now in India. It is the need of the hour to look at various parameters for evaluating Indian universities. It is time Indian Higher Education Institutions talked of calibrated performance indicators to achieve the core mission of upping their ranks in Asia & World University Rating.
In the recent times, higher education worldwide has moved from the periphery to the centre of governmental agendas. Universities are now seen as crucial national assets in addressing many policy priorities, and as: sources of new knowledge and innovative thinking, providers of skilled personnel and credible credentials, contributors to innovation, attractors of international talent and business investment, agents of social justice and mobility, contributors to social and cultural vitality, and determinants of health and well-being.
The session explores how universities can fulfil these roles.
The session focuses on how institutions of higher learning can help students and faculty community prepare for a globally relevant life. ‘Internationalising the Campus’ helps focus attention on the education being offered, including ways of making the curriculum, learning outcomes, learning and teaching processes, research, instructional delivery, assessments and evaluations globally relevant.
It will explore how colleges and universities can ensure that students are prepared for global careers and lives by focusing on inculcating global and cross-cultural competencies.
Another aspect that will be discussed is building partnerships with foreign universities and institutions including quality assessment and ranking agencies, mobility providers and education support agencies so as to leverage available opportunities and build excellence across all institutional spaces.
Universities and other institutions of higher education are being disrupted by a wide variety of social and technological forces. Developments including the globalization of services, the increasing value of domain expertise, and the rise of online open courses are creating both challenges and opportunities for incumbents as well as new entrants. The unbundling of research, education, content and certification means that new business models and ways of engaging of students will be at the heart of a prosperous future for universities.
It is a session which focusses on gaining a better understanding of the region’s higher education systems, their strategies and plans to advance university excellence; and at the same time share valuable experiences and knowledge to help the Indian higher education sector move forward. International Ranking frameworks and what impact they have on Indian universities would be discussed and shared through the session.
Technology is sweeping through classrooms as educators and developers create more and more products designed to enhance education.
New technologies like AI, machine learning, and educational software aren't just changing the field for students, they're shaking up the role of educators, creating philosophical shifts in approaches to teaching, and remodelling the classroom.
With an influx of new learning models available, traditional educational methods are bound to evolve in the next decade.
The session explores where things are heading, by taking a closer look at technology's developing role in the field of education and outlining the advances that could be spelled out for the future.
The Session would explore the various steps taken in terms of policy making by government bodies in states and centre for ensuring the growth of Higher Education Institutions. With the internationalisation of higher education, there is a need for higher education leaders to design new education systems that allow Institutions to successfully grow and accelerate their delivery of education for creating Global workforce.