Survey: Expectations from NDA’s Third Term

Survey: Expectations from NDA’s Third Term

As the Modi 3.0 Government embarks on its third term, we seek insights on what the business community expects from the administration. Your responses will help shape an understanding of the priorities and areas of focus that are crucial for India’s economic and business landscape.


    1. Economic Reforms:
    What specific economic reforms would you like the NDA Government to prioritise in its third term?

    2. Infrastructure Development:
    Which areas of infrastructure development should receive the highest priority?

    3. Ease of Doing Business:
    What measures should be taken to further improve the ease of doing business in India?

    4. Trade and Foreign Investment:
    How can the government enhance trade and attract more foreign investment?

    5. Innovation and Technology:
    In what ways can the government support innovation and technological advancement in India?

    6. Workforce and Skill Development:
    What should be the focus areas for workforce and skill development?

    7. Sustainability and Environmental Policies:
    How can the government better address sustainability and environmental challenges?

    8. Healthcare and Social Welfare:
    What are the key areas for improvement in healthcare and social welfare?

    9. Governance and Policy Implementation:
    What changes would you suggest for better governance and policy implementation?

    10. Any Additional Comments or Suggestions:

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