Nominee Name - Organization Designation Official Email - Personal Email - Mobile Number - Corporate Address - Home Address - Date of Birth - Date of Joining as Current - Total Experience - Highest Education Qualification - Second Highest Qualification - Nomination Type - Brief Bio - Awards & Recognition -
Questionnaire Please write your answer within 6000 characters
1. Describe your role in current company. 0
2. Your achievement highlights in previous and current role. 0
3. Share an example of how you have helped your current company or organization grow, innovate, or increase profitability in past 12 months. 0
4. Describe a difficult strategy implementation experience you had and how you handled it. 0
5. How do you envision your career developing over the next five years? 0
6. Why you should win 40 Under 40 awards? 0
7. List 5 key initiatives in your domain that makes you exemplary. 0
8. What are your weaknesses and strengths in 5 Bullet Points. 0
Please fill the nomination PPT. Click here to download PPT Maximum size 2-5MB
Declaration “The information provided herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Some of the information provided in the document could be sensitive and shall remain confidential unless we agree to release it. We understand that the information provided in this document will be used by the organizers and the jury in deciding the awards and we consent to the use of this information for such a purpose. We further agree that this information may be used for further research, education, or any other purpose as long as the company details or not divulged to any person other than the organizers. If I am shortlisted/selected for receiving the award, I hereby authorize the use, in connection with the “BW CFO World's Finance 40 Under 40 Awards” program, of my name, my company’s (or organization’s) name, non-financial information, photographs, video or audio recordings of me from whatever source. I agree that no compensation shall be due to me or my company for such usage.” Agree -