Cybersecurity Outlook 2025: Perspectives from the C-suite
BW Businessworld invites you to participate in this survey aimed at gathering insights from senior leadership on cybersecurity trends, challenges and priorities for 2025. Your responses will help shape a comprehensive report to guide businesses in safeguarding their digital assets.
*All responses are confidential and will be used for research purposes only
*Name, email address and organisation name are collected only for survey sanctity and will neither be retained by BW Businessworld nor used for any other purpose
Survey is closed
The data collected in this survey will be used only to publish the survey findings anonymously. Your data will be anonymised and used to draw inferences about the overall trends and developments in cyber security. The data will be retained until the BW Cybersecurity Special issue is published in October 2024. In case you wish to get your data erased from our databases and server, you may write to us at
Thank you for your participation in the BW Businessworld Survey on Cybersecurity Outlook 2025 done in association with the Data Security Council of India & The FAIR Institute